3rd Canvas on Scroll: Gift Card Collector!
We’re excited to announce our 3rd Canvas on Scroll: Gift Card Collector! 🎉
Unlock this badge by minting ZNS credits, and use them for free domain minting. Start collecting today — mint credits worth 3+ USDT on Scroll.
Read more about Scroll Canvas and mint your badges with a 50% discount on the mint fee!
About Scroll: Scroll is a Layer 2 Ethereum scaling solution, backed by $80M from top funds like Polychain Capital, Sequoia, and OKX Ventures. 🚀
Introducing Scroll Canvas
Scroll Canvas is an innovative campaign where you can mint badges for your on-chain activities. Each badge highlights your participation and achievements within the Scroll ecosystem, recognizing you in the Second Session.
How to Mint Your Gift Card Collector Badge:
- Mint a Gift Card on Scroll: Mint ZNS Credits starting from 5 CREDITS via @BuildWithScroll ( it will cost you 3–3.5 USDT, depending on ETH price)
2. Visit the Scroll Canvas Page: Scroll Canvas
3. Claim Your ZNS Gift Card Collector Badge:Claim Badge
4. Redeem Here: After you can use it for free domain minting on Scroll: Redeem Here
Steps to Mint Your Scroll Badges :
- Visit the Scroll Canvas Page: Scroll Canvas (Referral code: KWIX8).
- Connect Your Scroll Wallet: Ensure you have enough ETH for the minting fee.
- Click Mint: Follow the steps to mint your first badge, and watch your Scroll Pulse grow with your activity.
- Begin minting the domain on the Scroll network at zns.bio or minting credits at https://zns.bio/settings?tab=credits. You have 3 different badges on your mind.
Invite Friends: Save on mint fees and earn rewards: Invite Link
Join the Scroll Revolution — show off your badges, contribute to the ecosystem, and enjoy the perks of being a Scroll community member!
#zns #znsconnect #scroll #scrollcanvas #badges
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