3rd Canvas on Scroll: Gift Card Collector!

We’re excited to announce our 3rd Canvas on Scroll: Gift Card Collector! 🎉

ZNS Connect Name Service
3 min readSep 5, 2024

Unlock this badge by minting ZNS credits, and use them for free domain minting. Start collecting today — mint credits worth 3+ USDT on Scroll.

Read more about Scroll Canvas and mint your badges with a 50% discount on the mint fee!

About Scroll: Scroll is a Layer 2 Ethereum scaling solution, backed by $80M from top funds like Polychain Capital, Sequoia, and OKX Ventures. 🚀

ZNS Connect gift collector badge on Scroll

Introducing Scroll Canvas

Scroll Canvas is an innovative campaign where you can mint badges for your on-chain activities. Each badge highlights your participation and achievements within the Scroll ecosystem, recognizing you in the Second Session.

How to Mint Your Gift Card Collector Badge:

  1. Mint a Gift Card on Scroll: Mint ZNS Credits starting from 5 CREDITS via @BuildWithScroll ( it will cost you 3–3.5 USDT, depending on ETH price)
ZNS Connect gift collector badge on Scroll

2. Visit the Scroll Canvas Page: Scroll Canvas

3. Claim Your ZNS Gift Card Collector Badge:Claim Badge

4. Redeem Here: After you can use it for free domain minting on Scroll: Redeem Here

ZNS Connect gift collector badge on Scroll

Steps to Mint Your Scroll Badges :

  1. Visit the Scroll Canvas Page: Scroll Canvas (Referral code: KWIX8).
  2. Connect Your Scroll Wallet: Ensure you have enough ETH for the minting fee.
  3. Click Mint: Follow the steps to mint your first badge, and watch your Scroll Pulse grow with your activity.
  4. Begin minting the domain on the Scroll network at zns.bio or minting credits at https://zns.bio/settings?tab=credits. You have 3 different badges on your mind.

Invite Friends: Save on mint fees and earn rewards: Invite Link

Join the Scroll Revolution — show off your badges, contribute to the ecosystem, and enjoy the perks of being a Scroll community member!

#zns #znsconnect #scroll #scrollcanvas #badges

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ZNS Connect Name Service

#ZNSConnect decentralized communication ID platform powered by decentralized addresses with unique domain name.